Evolving friendships- 1 year later

As July 2020 comes to an end, I get to reflect on what traveling semi-permanently means to my friendships. As mentioned in previous blogs, I've had moments, often, where I missed my friends back in Colorado. The longer we traveled the more I felt a disconnect from the people I had left behind. 10 days ago I got to hop on a Frontier flight back home. Well I should say "my former home". Colorado Springs. My kids and beautiful grandbaby got to spend valuable time together. Reconnecting and bonding over stories and simply just being in the same room. Togetherness. I hadn't seen my grandbaby since he was born, 8 months ago. Holding him, endless kisses were long overdue and addictive: https://youtu.be/4V4VyNTq9aM Tabea and Julian, my awesome kids, that have always had a close bond. Watching them together aways means, lots of fun and laughter. The afternoon where Tabea groomed Julian's uni-brow was priceless: http...