Walk-in closet renovation

When we started our travels August 1st 2019, we had created a walk-in closet in the back of the living room. Downsizing was tough enough, so I at least had to hold on to something that was dear to me: My rather large assortment of clothes...well and shoes! One has to travel in style, you know. The back of the trailer when we originally started to renovate. BEFORE we ever put in the walk-in closet. Then came the finished walk-in closet that didn't survive. In order to house these clothes and all, Joe had to build a clothes rack, that stretched from wall to wall. Then we also had brought 2 dressers from our previous home, for that space. It was a good set up because it was all situated under the king sized loft, that was above. This loft was then used as additional storage space. Well the rough Texas highways did a number on this construction. First, half of the above loft partially collapsed. Joe fixed it by reinforcing the structure....