
Showing posts with the label Transformation completed

Walk-in closet renovation

When we started our travels August 1st 2019, we had created a walk-in closet in the back of the living room.  Downsizing was tough enough, so I at least had to hold on to something that was dear to me: My rather large assortment of clothes...well and shoes!  One has to travel in style, you know. The back of the trailer when we originally started to renovate. BEFORE we ever put in the walk-in closet. Then came the finished walk-in closet that didn't survive. In order to house these clothes and all, Joe had to build a clothes rack,  that stretched from wall to wall. Then we also had brought 2 dressers from our previous home, for that space. It was a good set up because it was all situated under the king sized loft, that was above. This loft was then used as additional storage space. Well the rough Texas highways did a number on this construction. First, half of the above loft partially collapsed.  Joe fixed it by reinforcing the structure. But the rough

Ronald Mc Donald house inspiration

Do you believe in the old saying "things happen for a reason"? I DO. And here is how it goes... If you are a "regular " on my blog site you'll already know that our last stop was in Kansas to await the birth of our grand baby. And this is where you can plan all you want, nature has a way of working at it's own speed, regardless of how we would like them to pan out! My daughters due date was November 17th 2019. Easy to always remember because my birthday is Nov. 15th. I was anxious for Joe and I to get there on time so I wouldn't miss the birth as well as be there for Tabea during childbirth. Joe and I arrived 18 days early with exitement and anticipation. Well for 15 days NOTHING happened.  And when it finally did, we were glad to be a part of everything and meet our little grandbaby Finley! There were abnormalities with his breathing that it was decided to fly him to a more suitable NICU almost 3 hours away, in Kansas City, MO. My son Ju

Not your average tiny home

We renovated the heck out of this trailer.  Go on the journey with us.... To view the make-over slide show, tap on the link below:

The grand tour

 Click on the link below to take a grand tour of our glam trailer...: