Ronald Mc Donald house inspiration

Do you believe in the old saying "things happen for a reason"?

I DO. And here is how it goes...

If you are a "regular " on my blog site you'll already know that our last stop was in Kansas to await the birth of our grand baby. And this is where you can plan all you want, nature has a way of working at it's own speed, regardless of how we would like them to pan out!

My daughters due date was November 17th 2019. Easy to always remember because my birthday is Nov. 15th. I was anxious for Joe and I to get there on time so I wouldn't miss the birth as well as be there for Tabea during childbirth. Joe and I arrived 18 days early with exitement and anticipation.

Well for 15 days NOTHING happened. 

And when it finally did, we were glad to be a part of everything and meet our little grandbaby Finley!

There were abnormalities with his breathing that it was decided to fly him to a more suitable NICU almost 3 hours away, in Kansas City, MO.

My son Julian and I ended up visiting them and staying overnight at the Ronald McDonald house,  where they were lucky enough to stay, as parents of a hospitalized child.

A peek into the Ronald McDonald house: 

the living room 

the community kitchen

the food pantry

The moment you walk into the Ronald McDonald house you just feel the loving care that went into building and designing this unbelievable place.

The purpose of all Ronald McDonald houses across the country is to provide parents of sick children a free place to stay while their little ones are in medical care, both short and long term. 

All furnishings are tastefully put together.  The wall art is picked with children in mind: Young, playful and inspiring.

Volunteers come in daily to provide parents with home cooked meals, hair cuts, massages. You name it!

There are a variety of pantries for these parents that not only provide food but also toiletries.  The laundry room is fully equipped and to top it off,  the house even has a theater room.

So after entering this said magical place, I was intrigued. I felt like a sponge that wanted to absorb as much as I could, so to say...

When the opportunity arose to chat with one of their friendly volunteers I had a long list of questions.

She answered all of them with a smile. Almost as to confirm my sense that angels work and volunteer here!

This is where I am taking you back to my earlier statement of "INSPIRATION " and the feeling that things happen for a reason.

For the longest time  my many different careers revolved around customer service. 

I owned and ran a pet sitting business for 23 years and an in-home licensed daycare. I acquired used furniture to refinish and sell it to people who where looking for that special piece, often at my little second hand store with women's fashions and home decor. I also cared of an elderly lady whom I became friends with in the 18 months of working with her and we are still friends to this day.

Back to the Ronald McDonald house!

 Now I felt this strong sense of wanting to be part of this wonderful community that made trying times of these parents just a bit more easy just by being there with a smile and helping hands.

So...., wherever our future journeys may take us, what I know for sure is that eventually I will return to this magical place, somewhere along the way as a volunteer or employee. 

To find out more about the Ronald McDonald house go to:


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