Living in the jungle

Has it really been 6 months of jungle life? Uuuhuuuh! The palm trees, wild and ungroomed, have done me in. Love grew in record speed. Yes I love this place. Fort Desoto. The trails, the beautiful beaches, the abundance of birds. I can honestly say that I don't recall seeing such a crazy variety of large birds anywhere before. While the actual Fort leaves alot to be desired (at least in my book) the rest of this luscious southern tip of the peninsula screams paradise. We've encountered one mandatory evacuation this summer. Call us lucky! From what we were told, in 2020 they had 9 of these here! The downside of being surrounded by large bodies of water, I suppose. So yeah, we packed up and left to go an hour north at friends, who were kind to take us in. Then we turned around 2 days later and came back. The park was unharmed. Thank goodness...