Full circle

About a year ago I was sitting on a plane as well. I was writing ✍️ a blog while on my ✈️ to California. Today I am happily anticipating finishing the last leg of my flight from Tampa to Manhattan, Kansas. Let me tell you one thing: Long distance ANYTHING is NOT fun. In this case the distance between me and my children. One in Kansas, one in Colorado. Now if I had $$ coming out of my rear end, I'd be seeing them all the time. The bitter reality speaks its own volume. We rely on video calls instead. Do you ever make a decision, think it's the best, the wisest and then figure out just how dumb your great decision really was? Look no farther. Joe and I had the conversation that ended up being the typical "we should have…." monolog. Frustrated, we came to realize that our super wise decision is now costing us a whole lot of money we don't really have. This is the consequence of our a...