The art of finding entertainment

It's obvious that over time there comes a day here or there when you are stuck in your RV because of bad weather. As I am writing this blog we are staying overnight in Nomansville,  USA. Well okay this sleepy town goes by the name of Tucumcari,  New Mexico. Been there?

At some point, a long time ago this place looks like it had boomed, being conveniently located along famous Route 66.

But after driving around town (we always enjoy getting to know new towns, so we take a new town safari) it becomes clear that those days have long passed. What were once hip new facilities, such as RV parks, motels and restaurants,  are now closed down properties. 

So, it's a cold late October day here in Tucumcari and because the weather is anything but good for travelling, we are staying an extra night, unfortunately. 

It has taken me a bit to figure out how to entertain myself while living in a whopping 280 sf! You can't just pack up ALL your entertainment stuff from home. Downsizing to living in an RV full time includes items of entertainment! In my case, I held on to ONE board game, Yahtzee, a set of cards and a small plastic bin with scrap booking things.

Now I should mention at this point that Joe and I chose not to install a TV in our tiny home. We weren't big TV watchers before our travels and certainly didn't want TV become a distraction now that we've become nomads.

While making a weeklong stop in Idaho a few weeks ago to visit Joe's aunt and uncle, I literally stumbled into rock painting. We all took a drive to Idaho City and at one of the cute little shops in town someone had some decor on display that included painted rocks. I loved them!

Upon our return at our relatives house that evening, my aunt pointed out that she had tons of little paint bottles from her former hobby and she no longer wanted them
 She let me take a nice sized assortment of different colors and paintbrushes so I could start painting away!

This is the one of many many times in my life that things have come full circle. I might be a small circle but size don't matter! 😉

So today,  on this icky cold day in the middle of nowhere I am  painting rocks again. I've painted rocks in other locations already, Fallon, NV and Las Vegas, NV. Each time I  left painted rocks behind for other people to enjoy. In Fallon there is now one on display in the laundry room at the Naval Air Station campground. 

 In Vegas there are 3 scattered on the Campground at Nellis AFB. It makes me happy to leave little reminders of ME behind, in hopes that they make someone else smile.


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