The story of us

Our Love Story

The story of Joe and I began in October 2013 at a dance hall called "The Carriage Stop".  My friend and I were regulars there on the occasional Saturday, when they were having dance lessons. It was my friends birthday. After the lessons we had plans to go to a small local country bar called
 "Mill Hill Saloon",

just up the road to celebrate a bit. We had just met Joe and started chatting with him, so my friend decided to ask him if he wanted to come along. 

And he did. 

We ended up talking all evening and when it was time to go home,  we said the usual good-bye's, the "nice to meet you's" and that was it. 
So I thought.

Months later Joe told me, that at some point, days later, a little voice inside of him told him to try and find me. 

After researching the very little that he knew about me on the internet, he came across what he thought was my business website.

 He decided to send me an e-mail..

This was were the story of "US" took off.

We started texting. Dozens of messages turned into hundreds, spending time together. Mostly on various dance floors in our town, Colorado Springs, Colorado. 

A love unfolded. 
 Both of us knew, our late parents had something to do with us finding each other
 This was no accident. 
The day Joe finally found me, my sweet Mama had just past away back home in far away Germany. 
It was a devastating day for me. 

Joe's sudden appearance brought a bit of light into the darkness of that day. And then onforward. 

We learned early on that we could be open with each other. Trust was the foundation of our new friendship.

Little could we have imagined that 3 years later we would take a chance in marriage again.

When Joe asked me to marry him in front of all our friends, at my favorite Thai Restaurant in the Springs, 
"Bhan Thai",
I didn't hesitate to say yes.  I knew we were supposed to be life partners forever.

The proposal video link:


Our relationship was always easy. 
We understood each other; we sincerely LIKED each other.

Throughout the next 3 years we built our lifes together. 

We both worked from home. We considered ourselves lucky to be able to spend so much time together every day. And we never got tired of each other.

Early on we started to plan getaways together. Over the next several years, the list of places we visited kept getting longer...:

Cozumel, Cancum, Plays del Carmen (Mexico).
 Then China, a roadtrip thru California, New Mexico, Texas. Vegas x 3, Florida x 3, Aspen and Estes Park, Colorado, Cleveland,  Ohio, Lake of the Ozarks, MO, Oklahoma City, OK and Lincoln City, Oregon.

As you can tell, we loved to travel all along!

Not knowing that this path would lead us to where we are today..

...Sometimes the road less traveled is the best road to be on..

Take chances. 
We did. 


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