Surviving the holidays

I am sure you had the occasional or regular anxiety leading up to Christmas ? Finding the right gifts on your long list for everyone , making sure the house sparkles and the best meal yet will be served this year? We've all been there. Stressing over these self made rules in our head. They aren't written down anywhere; no law telling us it is mandatory to follow, or else! Well lucky me; the list in my head was clear, non existent this year. Instead I dealt with a new anxiety, one I wasn't familiar with and didn't like at all: Facing the holidays without my kids AND in a new town, in a new State, where we don't know a SINGLE person. We just have each other. Period. Now if you are an introvert and enjoy your alone time, this would be the best news ever, right? Not this one. I enjoy people (well the nice ones that is....). I enjoy emerging myself into community, things that bring people together. Don't get me wrong. I love my husband and spending time ...