Our 1st camphosting experience


At one point or another, whether you are an RV'er or not, you might have heard of the term workamper or camphost.

If you are NOT familiar with either one, let me briefly shet light into this mystical word, because I am nice or because its Thursday!

Often when you live a full time RV life you need or want to find a way to either offset your cost for living expenses or to entertain yourself 
or socialize or all of the above! 

Often when you camphost, you work at a campground and you help check in guest, do basic maintenance work,  some cleaning, sell firewood and shower coins etc. in exchange for full hookup. 

The lovely internet provides tons of options to look for jobs all over the world and that's how we found our camphost job in Napa Valley.

We were looking forward to meeting lots of people,  hanging out with the other camphosts, while sharing stories with each other of how RV life really is.

And then life happens...

The first time we heard about the Corona Virus we didn't think much about it. We aren't fans of the media to begin with. But the word " Corona" kept reappearing, and that more frequently until we got the notice that our park was closing to all overnight guests. Next, the California Governor announced that because of the virus we were now under "shelter in place" orders.

Faced with too much isolation and uncertainty we decided it was time to leave.

Adjust and overcome are powerful words that have worked for Joe and myself very well throughout our marriage whenever we were faced with obstacles. 

As I am sitting here writing this, we are slowly preparing to say goodbye to Napa Valley and set sail towards southern California, where our next adventure awaits us.

We've enjoyed emerging ourselves into the beauty of " the wine country" without ever drinking a single glass of wine during our stay here. 

 The perfectly aligned  rowes of grapevines inspired endless amounts of pictures,  as Joe can confirm. 
Yes, I am addicted to my camera!

Bothe State Park with its huge old trees covered in moss was our own beautiful backyard for the last four weeks. 

The hummingbird feeder, mounted to our livingroom window, attracted a whole family of colorful hummingbirds that emptied the feeder within days and left me with a huge smile on my face! 

It's time to move on. 

We are grateful for our stay here but eager to find out what's around the next corner!



  1. Beautiful photos! I like that area, with the fog touching the tips of the hillsides making everything green with new growth. Happy to have you here in So.Cal...just don't expect all that green here :)


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