10 months and counting

10 months ago we left Colorado and started our adventure. 
We had no idea nor plans for how long our travel journey would last.

Boy did time fly! 

Joe and I counted the other day: 

19 destinations now lay behind us and thousands of miles traveled. 

Are you the type "A" kind of personality that has to plan all the details of your vacation before ever arriving?  

Or are you the "B"  type that just wants to kick back and not do a whole lot and see what the day brings?

In our case I am the "A" type while my dear hubby 😘 is the "B".

Yes I was the vacation planner to the T!
 I had a list, places to see, excursions listed, night life options to choose from. 
Yes they all made it to the list. 
No we didn't have a strict  itinerary. 
 The list just meant that we didn't spend hours Googling things. 
They were already there, on that piece of paper and all we had to do was pick an option. 

Luckily Joe always trusted that I had done some serious research and what was presented to him was not some superficial info.
 Oh no.

Of course being the "B" type he didn't have a need for such list but he understood what being married to the "A" means: 
Lists and plans!

You probably ask by now why I  am talking about vacation lists?

Because ever since we started our new lifestyle my lists have become shorter and  infrequent .

Over time I've managed to slowly let go of plans and just go with the flow, as they say. 

Now these days we figure out where we want to go next and then talk about how to get there, efficiently. 

People often ask us how long we plan on living in our tiny home!

The answer is: 

We don't have an answer.  
We'll know when we're done, I suppose. 

Sometimes its great not to know all the details and just enjoy the ride (literally) and see where our curiosity takes us.

To be continued........


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