Creating balance

A few months have passed. I am contemplating what to write this time. What is the message I want to share by doing this?  Sure a blog can be used as a platform for so many reasons. It's tempting to get sucked into ones ego taking over and making it a "look what I can do" - platform. 

For me I realize, it is a way to express myself, to bring a smile to your face and ultimately your day. But to also bring a smile to my face, because while my life journey contains struggles and hick-ups, at the end of the day its full of gratitude.

In a post "pandemic" time, inspiration is certainly something we all crave without question.

Occasionally I am asked if we're settled in, now that we moved into our new home. The answer comes without hesitation: Yes! Since the day we were handed the keys 🔑 to be exact.  When you have a vision, you'll get results. 

So often people tell me they are envious of Joe and I. We did what many people imagine doing. You know what? A dream will always just stay a dream unless YOU, yes you, take action towards achieving it. 

I used to be a person that always kept herself busy. The more I could cramp into a day, the more accomplished I felt.  56 years in the making! But don't worry, I won't bore you with my entire life path. 

Owning a home again comes with many responsibilities. But now these days I give myself permission to take longer breaks. To not keep going and going until my body is completely done!

There's an inviting couch with pool view that lures me in and now I gladly accept the invitation to visit for a while doing absolutely nothing. And I realize, nothing can be everything sometimes. 

Joe and I spend many evenings lounging in said spot, watching our favorite shows.  O'Malley and Peanut at our feet. Bird on a knee and even Maggie, the kitty ventures out at times. 

Last night we turned the laptop off (used as our mobile TV) and we ended up googling "relationship-building questions to ask your partner". 

A favorite activity we sometimes come up with, when we want to go beyond the daily conversations.  One of the questions Joe picked for me was: When do you feel most at peace? I am a believer that, while you can come up with tons of answers,  the most honest one is always your instant gut reaction.  The one where you don't have to think long and hard. You know what I mean, right? For me my gut reaction was the one, that after I spoke it out loud, tears came running down my face. A powerful confirmation.

I feel most at peace right here. On this couch in my own little piece of paradise, surrounded by everyone I love so much (that's nearby).

To me, creating harmony and balance in life requires my participation with a willingness to re-prioritize certain things if nessesary. 

You are the conductor, a director of energy - but first you have to be the non-judgemental observer. 

I've learned, nothing moves FORWARD if you leave it up to chance. If you seek change, look within yourself. 

There is no better time than now to regain control of your life.

Not enough money. Stuck in a job you don't love. Not living where your heart tells you you really want to be.

I see these hurdles as such.. hurdles but not dead- end roads. 

I am sure when you ask my friends if they have heard me say this before,  they'll agree with a strong forward-bobbing head: Ulrike's favorite saying is: Think outside the box 📦!  Seriously. 

It's just a box:  Be curious and open the darn thing and you'll be surprised what you find:

A life full of possibilities. 

Now go out there and allow it to happen. 

       Permission g r a n t e d. 


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