It's an emotional thing

We surround ourselves with beautiful things that make our home special, unique to us and our personalities, lifestyles and quirks. The look of our home represents us and who we are and how we want the world to see us, at least on the surface. Enter the process of letting go. You know you're not gonna fit all your collections, big or small, into your trailer. This means you must let go of an entire lifestyle. But it's a choice. Joe and I made this choice willingly. Our then home was big. 6 bedrooms, 2.5 bathrooms. A corner lot that required a lot of upkeep. Lots of stairs. It seemed all we did all the time was vacuum, dust and mop. We were tired of cleaning all the time, fixing things and everything that goes along with 2500 square feet. We were tired of all the stuff we had surrounded ourselves with all these years that we thought we needed at one point or another. Things take up space and they take time from us and for us they became a burden...