
Simply cooking

As I am finishing my Christmas cookie production in my tiny kitchen,  I realize that some of you might wonder if cooking is possible, living tiny. The answer is YES! Often, when Joe amd I talk with people the assumption is made quiet regularly, that we only eat as if we were camping: Hot dogs and burgers, freshly prepared over the fire pit. They couldn't be farther from reality. I should start with this fact: Because our 5th wheel toy hauler is only equipped with a small fridge and freezer, we go grocery shopping about twice a week. No such thing as buying in bulk like we used to. But you know what?  It's not the end of the world, seriously. Growing up in Germany we never had a big fridge, like the typical ones here in the States. I remember my mom riding her bicycle (and later driving, after she got her driver's license around age 40) to the local market. It was about a 1 mile ride each way.  Grocery bags were stored in the attached bicycle basket or hung on the han

The story of us

Our Love Story The story of Joe and I began in October 2013 at a dance hall called " The Carriage Stop ".  My friend and I were regulars there on the occasional Saturday, when they were having dance lessons. It was my friends birthday. After the lessons we had plans to go to a small local country bar called  " Mill Hill Saloon ", just up the road to celebrate a bit. We had just met Joe and started chatting with him, so my friend decided to ask him if he wanted to come along.  And he did.  We ended up talking all evening and when it was time to go home,  we said the usual good-bye's, the "nice to meet you's" and that was it.  So I thought. Months later Joe told me, that at some point, days later, a little voice inside of him told him to try and find me.  After researching the very little that he knew about me on the internet, he ca

Dirt road anthem

It's the end of another ordinary day here in rural Kansas.  Today I decided to take my bike out to explore the area.  Every landscape has its beauty. Isn't that what "they say"? Well who are they anyway,  I ask? I tell myself though, to keep this saying in mind as I am choosing my path today. The dirt road I decide to take ends at a paved road, followed by another dirt road. I am always amazed by the diversity of this country.  Riding down this dirt road,  I come across the occasional farm, along with its silos and barns and hay bales. I can imagine their residents and the hard life they chose. They find comfort to come home to the familiar sounds and views. They probably would not trade their lifes, even if they could. I imagine driving on these endless roads in the harsh of the winter, the wind screaming.  What I can't imagine is my life here.  I feel lucky that Joe and I get to choose where we want to be.   Do you ever fe

A morning in the middle of nowhere

It's a bitter cold  morning here in Wakefield, Kansas. We are parked on my daughters 3 acre property, deep in the countryside.  I am watching the sun slowly rise in the distance. The neighbors cows have been mooing in symphony for hours already. What a concert! This morning I have not heard the usual eary howling of the coyotes in the nearby fields. Instead the rooster is announcing the new start of a day. Today is November 2nd 2019. I am happy that I get to spend my soon-to-be birthday with my children. What a great gift in itself. The biggest miracle is yet to arrive any day now: We are awaiting the birth of our grandbaby Finley Joseph. Our arrival here in Kansas last Saturday marks the 13th destination since we started our life in our tiny home 11 weeks earlier. 3936 miles later! O'Malley and Peanut,  our puppies, now have the newfound freedom of running around with their cousins all day. A German Shepherd, Boxer and Mutt.  Every destinatio

The art of finding entertainment

It's obvious that over time there comes a day here or there when you are stuck in your RV because of bad weather. As I am writing this blog we are staying overnight in Nomansville,  USA. Well okay this sleepy town goes by the name of Tucumcari,  New Mexico. Been there? At some point, a long time ago this place looks like it had boomed, being conveniently located along famous Route 66. But after driving around town (we always enjoy getting to know new towns, so we take a new town safari) it becomes clear that those days have long passed. What were once hip new facilities, such as RV parks, motels and restaurants,  are now closed down properties.  So, it's a cold late October day here in Tucumcari and because the weather is anything but good for travelling, we are staying an extra night, unfortunately.  It has taken me a bit to figure out how to entertain myself while living in a whopping 280 sf! You can't just pack up ALL your entertainme

Best Friends in Kanab, Utah

Joe and I had a chance to get on one of Best Friends tours of the premises. These people have been on a mission to save lives for so many years and its unbelievable how many little heartbeats got to finally find forever homes because of them! THE SANCTUARY Located in Kanab, Utah, Angel Canyon is the home of Best Friends Animal Sanctuary and nearly 1,600 homeless animals. Come and explore this unique and extraordinary place. ABOUT BEST FRIENDS For over 30 years, Best Friends Animal Society has been running the nation’s largest no-kill sanctuary for companion animals and building effective programs that reduce the number of animals entering shelters. This is one of the tour busses. Angel's Rest  pet cemetery  Please please please take a minute to visit Best Friends website to learn more about this incredible organization!

Bryce Canyon, Utah

Our day in Bryce Canyon: Click on the link below for the slide show: We visited this amazing park in October. It's a good idea to bring good hiking or tennis shoes if you are planning on hitting some of the trails. There are plenty of them for everyone.  Before you get to the main entrance you can park your vehicle for free and get onto the park shuttle,  which is also free. It's a hop on hop off concept.  We always appreciate such services that minimize the pollution and wear and tear on the road system in the parks.  We encourage you take advantage of this great service when visiting any national park! Remember to bring some water to keep hydrated and sunscreen!